Gem Guide


Amethyst, the purple variety of quartz, has fascinated mankind for millennia. Its lilac to deep purple hues can be cut into various shapes and sizes, and it's available both through mining and lab production. Once treasured by royal families across Europe and Asia, amethyst is now accessible to most consumers. Consider gifting a stunning amethyst to the king or queen of your heart or indulge in a royal present for yourself. Wearing an amethyst can also symbolize personal empowerment and inner strength.

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The aquamarine stone captures the essence of the sea with its range of colors, from deep green-blue to light, slightly greenish blue hues. Faceted aquamarines are frequently free from inclusions and possess exceptional clarity, resembling the purity of water and symbolizing a pure spirit and soul.

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Citrine, the transparent yellow to brownish orange variety of quartz, has been cherished for thousands of years. With its warm and inviting hues, citrine captivates with its vibrant energy and versatility. Once revered by ancient civilizations, citrine now graces jewelry collections worldwide, symbolizing vitality, abundance, and radiant positivity. Whether gifted to a loved one or worn as a personal talisman, citrine embodies the spirit of joy and prosperity.

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Radiating with an internal fire unique to itself, the diamond stands as one of the most coveted and beloved gemstones worldwide. Renowned for its exceptional strength, the diamond derives its name from the Greek word "adamas," translating to "invincible" or "unbreakable”.

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Emerald, cherished for millennia, symbolizes rebirth and renewal. Revered as the epitome of green, emerald embodies the essence of spring. From the poetic imagery of Ireland as "the Emerald Isle" to the vivid green hue of the renowned gemstone itself, emerald has captivated hearts and minds throughout history.

The various shades of this lush green evoke imagery of tranquil, verdant gardens. Legend has it that emerald possesses the power to enhance intelligence and wit in its wearer, and it was once believed to possess healing properties, purportedly curing diseases like cholera and malaria. Today, emerald is traditionally exchanged as the gemstone for the 20th and 35th wedding anniversaries.

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Garnets are commonly red but also come in an extraordinary range of beautiful colors, including orange, yellow, purple, and vibrant green. There are even garnets that change color from blue to purple in different lighting. Some believe the true value of the garnet stone lies in its power to bring the wearer good health, wealth, and happiness.

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Pearls, born from the depths of oceans, lakes, and rivers, have enchanted humanity for centuries. Emerging as timeless symbols of elegance and purity, pearls evoke a sense of wonder and grace. Legends abound about their origin, from ancient beliefs of tears fallen from the heavens to tales of dragon's brains. As organic gems, pearls form within the soft tissue of mollusks, a testament to nature's artistry. Adored by royalty and cherished by lovers of beauty, pearls transcend time, offering a timeless allure and a touch of sophistication to any ensemble.

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Peridot, a radiant green gemstone, has captivated humanity with its vibrant allure for centuries. From ancient Egypt to the modern era, peridot has been cherished for its vivid hues and mystical properties. Believed to bring abundance, prosperity, and joy to its wearer, peridot embodies the lushness of nature and the vitality of life itself. Whether adorning a royal crown or a simple pendant, peridot exudes an irresistible charm that continues to dazzle and delight.

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Ruby is one of the most coveted gems, with its name derived from the Latin word "ruber," meaning “red” – the color of love and passion. Few things catch the eye like the ruby stone. The finest color of the stone is a deep red with a hint of purple, called “pigeon’s blood” in the trade. A variety of the mineral corundum, ruby gets its color from trace amounts of the element chromium. The more chromium present, the stronger the red. Here’s what you need to know about this beautiful stone so you can better choose one for yourself or a loved one born in the month of July.

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Sapphire – a gem cherished for thousands of years. While the term "sapphire" typically denotes the blue variety of corundum (with ruby being the red variety), this stone comes in a rainbow of other colors. Sapphires have long been associated with royalty and romance, symbolizing fidelity and the soul. The word "sapphire" originates from the Greek word "sappheiros," and blue sapphire remains one of the most popular colored stones.

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Tanzanite, a rare and mesmerizing gemstone, has entranced enthusiasts with its captivating blue-violet hues. Discovered only in Tanzania, this gemstone's exquisite coloration evokes the splendor of twilight skies and deep ocean depths. Symbolizing sophistication and elegance, tanzanite adds a touch of luxury to any jewelry collection. Whether adorning a necklace, ring, or bracelet, tanzanite's unique beauty is sure to enchant and inspire admirers around the world.

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Topaz, with its remarkable range of colors, has captivated humanity for centuries. From fiery orange to serene blue, topaz comes in an array of mesmerizing hues that evoke the beauty of nature. Once revered by ancient civilizations for its mystical properties, topaz is now cherished for its exquisite beauty and versatility in jewelry design. Whether adorning a pendant, earrings, or ring, topaz adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any ensemble. Embodying strength, clarity, and resilience, topaz continues to be treasured as a symbol of timeless beauty and grace.

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Tourmaline, a gemstone of stunning diversity, enchants with its kaleidoscope of colors. From vivid greens to fiery reds and serene blues, tourmaline comes in an array of captivating hues, making each stone a unique work of art. Prized for its brilliance and versatility, tourmaline is a favorite among gemstone enthusiasts and jewelry designers alike. Whether set in a delicate pendant or a bold statement ring, tourmaline radiates beauty and sophistication. With its reputed metaphysical properties and breathtaking aesthetics, tourmaline continues to captivate hearts and inspire awe around the world.

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