Sapphire Stone Meaning and History
This stone has traditionally symbolized sincerity, truth, faithfulness, and nobility. For countless centuries, sapphire has adorned royalty and the robes of the clergy. The elite of ancient Greece and Rome believed that blue sapphires protected their owners from harm and envy. Clerics of the Middle Ages wore sapphires because they symbolized Heaven. Ancient Persians believed the earth actually rested on a giant sapphire, which made the sky blue.
Sapphire was reputed to have healing powers as well. Medieval Europeans believed that sapphire cured plague boils and diseases of the eye. The sapphire stone was also thought to be an antidote to poison.
Famous sapphires include the Rockefeller Sapphire, a 62.02-carat rectangular step-cut stone unearthed in Myanmar (Burma). Acquired in 1934 by financier and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874–1960) from an Indian maharaja, the gem was recut and remounted over the years. Initially set as a brooch, it was later set as a ring featuring two cut-cornered triangular diamond side stones. Perhaps the best-known sapphire in recent years is the 12-carat blue gem surrounded by diamonds in the sapphire engagement ring first worn by Princess Diana and then given by her son to Kate Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge.
Where is Sapphire found?
Kashmir, Myanmar (formerly Burma), and Sri Lanka stand out as historically significant sources for this stone. Additionally, substantial quantities of this gem have been discovered in Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Madagascar, and the United States (specifically Montana), among other countries in Asia and Africa.
Sapphires were first found in Kashmir around 1881, following a landslide high in the Himalayas that exposed a large pocket of velvety “cornflower” blue crystals. As the remarkable sapphires began to appear farther south, the Maharaja of Kashmir – along with his army – seized control of the new locality. Between 1882 and 1887, thousands of large, beautiful crystals were recovered. The stones cut from these crystals established Kashmir sapphire’s reputation as one of the world’s most coveted gems. Although production has been sporadic since then, auction houses occasionally sell exquisite pieces of Kashmir sapphire jewelry.
The Mogok area of Myanmar is another renowned locale for producing this gem. Jungle-clad hills surrounded by mountains create a dramatic landscape. While sapphire typically occurs alongside ruby deposits, its presence is much less abundant than its red counterpart. Nonetheless, “Burmese” sapphire, as it is often referred to, can exhibit a rich, intense blue hue, making it highly prized. Myanmar is also recognized as a notable source of jadeite jade, spinel, zircon, amethyst, peridot, and other fine gem materials.
For over 2,000 years, Sri Lanka has been a key source of this stone. The blue and fancy-color gems extracted from the alluvial gravels of this “jewel box of the Indian Ocean” often exhibit remarkable brilliance and saturation. Additionally, the island produces milky white “geuda” sapphires, which can be heat treated to achieve a rich blue color.
Thailand serves as both a source of sapphires and a major cutting and treatment center. In the dense jungle of Chanthaburi Province, miners dig for sapphires. Sapphires from Myanmar and Cambodia frequently undergo cutting and treatment in Chanthaburi before being sent to Bangkok, a significant gem hub.
Sapphire Stone Care and Cleaning
This stone is relatively hard, ranking 9 on the Mohs scale. It boasts excellent toughness and lacks cleavage, making it an ideal choice for rings and other mountings subject to daily wear.
However, it's worth noting that sapphires are often treated to enhance their color or clarity. Heat treatment is common and results in permanent improvements, making it widely accepted in the trade. Less common treatments such as lattice diffusion, fracture filling, and dyeing may require special care. For instance, the color induced by lattice diffusion may be shallow enough to be removed if the stone is chipped or requires recutting. Fracture-filled and dyed sapphires can also be damaged by mild acids like lemon juice. Therefore, before purchasing a sapphire, it's important to inquire about any treatments it has undergone and the method used.
For cleaning the September birthstone, warm, soapy water is always a safe choice. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are usually safe for untreated, heat-treated, and lattice diffusion–treated stones. However, fracture-filled or dyed material should only be cleaned with a damp cloth.